Install via Standalone Executable
Download #
Download the latest release of ironfish single file standalone executable for your platform
Unzip #
Verify install #
To verify your CLI installation, use the ironfish --version command.
$ ./ironfish --version
name ironfish
version 1.15.0
git e3492d3
runtime node/18.19.0
Adding the Standalone Executable to Your PATH #
To run ironfish
from any directory, add the standalone executable to your PATH.
macOS/Linux: #
- Open Terminal.
- Edit your shell profile (
, or~/.zshrc
). - Add:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ironfish
(replace with your standalone executable path). - Run
source ~/.bash_profile
,source ~/.bashrc
, orsource ~/.zshrc
Windows: #
- Search for 'Environment Variables' and open 'Edit the system environment variables'.
- Click 'Environment Variables', then under 'System variables', select 'Path' and 'Edit'.
- Click 'New' and add the path to your Iron Fish Standalone Executable.
- Click 'OK' to save.
Updating #
Overwrite the original file with the newest version of Iron Fish Standalone Executable, downloaded from the link above.
Uninstalling #
Delete the file