Install via Standalone Executable

Download #

Download the latest release of ironfish single file standalone executable for your platform

Unzip #


Verify install #

To verify your CLI installation, use the ironfish --version command.

$ ./ironfish --version
name       ironfish
version    1.15.0
git        e3492d3
runtime    node/18.19.0

Adding the Standalone Executable to Your PATH #

To run ironfish from any directory, add the standalone executable to your PATH.

macOS/Linux: #

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Edit your shell profile (~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, or ~/.zshrc).
  3. Add: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ironfish (replace with your standalone executable path).
  4. Run source ~/.bash_profile, source ~/.bashrc, or source ~/.zshrc.

Windows: #

  1. Search for 'Environment Variables' and open 'Edit the system environment variables'.
  2. Click 'Environment Variables', then under 'System variables', select 'Path' and 'Edit'.
  3. Click 'New' and add the path to your Iron Fish Standalone Executable.
  4. Click 'OK' to save.

Updating #

Overwrite the original file with the newest version of Iron Fish Standalone Executable, downloaded from the link above.

Uninstalling #

Delete the file

Next steps #

Run a node

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