Creates a raw transaction that is not posted.
This allows for the transaction to be posted using spending keys stored on a different node.
Creating a raw transaction does not require a spend key. They are not added to the wallet, mempool, or broadcast. The notes used in a raw transaction are not marked as spent.
Request #
account?: string
outputs: {
publicAddress: string
amount: string
memo?: string
memoHex?: string
assetId?: string
mints?: {
assetId?: string
name?: string
metadata?: string
value: string
transferOwnershipTo?: string
burns?: {
assetId: string
value: string
fee?: string | null
feeRate?: string | null
expiration?: number
expirationDelta?: number
confirmations?: number
notes?: string[]
Note: outputs.memoHex is a hex-encoded string with a max length of 32 bytes (64 characters)
Response #
transaction: string;